Summary of Salmon Recovery Funding Board (SRFB) Grants for Watershed Salmon Habitat Recovery

This table summarizes grants awarded by the state Salmon Recovery Funding Board (SRFB) to acquisition, restoration, and assessment projects in the Green/Duwamish and Central Puget Sound Watershed (WRIA 9). It also lists funds used to match the SRFB grant as well as other funds that will be leveraged by the SRFB/matched grants to pay for restoration activities.

Many WRIA 9 partners implement salmon habitat protection and restoration projects. To learn more about projects completed in your local area, visit the Habitat Work Schedule (HWS) database website and click on WRIA 9 on the map.

See WRIA 9 SRFB Project Map for project locations prior to 2006.

Project Name (SRFB 
Project Proponent (and Partners) SRFB/PSAR Amount Awarded Matched Funds: Amount and Source Total Other Leveraged Funds

Duwamish Gardens Estuary Restoration Construction(Round 14: 2013)

City of Tukwila

$327,353 SRFB/
$1,114,843 PSAR
$765,00 King County Flood Control District

$300,000 King Conservation District

$150,000 City of Tukwila

Seahurst Park Bulkhead Removal and Beach Restoration Construction - Northern Half (2013) City of Burien 4,420,000 PSAR Large Capital Project



Fenster Levee Setback Construction (Round 13: 2012)

City of Auburn




Point Heyer Drift Cell Acquisition
(Round 12: 2011)

King County




Big Spring Creek Construction
(Round 12: 2011)

King County



$60,000 None

Downey Farmstead Final Design (Round 12: 2011)

City of Kent



$253,581 None

Middle Green River Reach Levee Removal Design
(Round 12: 2011)

King County



$300,000 None

Fenster Levee Setback and Floodplain Reconnection (Round 11: 2010)

City of Auburn

$100,000 (returned PSAR funds)


$100,000 None

Mill Creek Design (Round 11: 2010)

City of Kent



$200,000 None

Duwamish Gardens Design (Round 11: 2010)

City of Tukwila

$127,353 +
$31,755 (returned PSAR funds) +
$38,191 (new SRFB funding)


$197,299 None

Fenster Levee Setback and Floodplain Reconnection (Round 10: 2009)

City of Auburn

$304,103 $53,665 City of Auburn $357,768 None
Seahurst Park Bulkhead Removal and Beach Restoration Construction - Northern Half (Round 10: 2009) City of Burien $750,000 $133,000 City of Burien

$1,800,000 Army Corps of Engineers

$2,683,000 Additional funds expected

Lower Mill Creek Restoration Construction (Round 10: 2009)

City of Kent

$500,000 $88,235 City of Kent

$2,200,000 Army Corps of Engineers

$2,788,235 None

Green River Pautzke Restoration Construction
(Round 9: 2008)

King County

$213,725 (SRFB #08-2093) $425,000 King Conservation District

$351,713 King County

$87,000 King County Pipeline 5 mitigation


Downey Farmstead Restoration Design (Round 9: 2008)

City of Kent




North Wind's Weir (Site 1) Duwamish River Restoration
(Round 8: 2007)

King County

(City of Tukwila)

$950,000 - PSAR $1,700,000 Army Corps of Engineers

$635,000 King County

$413,500 King Conservation District

$3,698,500 None

Green River Pautzke Restoration Design (Round 8: 2007)

King County

$250,000 - PSAR $60,000 King County Pipeline 5 Mitigation $310,000 See Green River Pautzke Construction project entry below

Pt. Heyer Shoreline Restoration on Vashon Island (Round 8: 2007)

King County




Beaconsfield-on-the-Sound Acquisition and Restoration (Round 8: 2007)

City of Normandy Park

$380,738 $496,023 King Conservation District $876,761  

Riverton Creek Flapgate Removal (Round 8: 2007)

City of Tukwila




Duwamish Gardens Estuary Restoration and Acquisition (Round 7: 2006)

City of Tukwila

$311,000 $700,000 Conservation Futures Grant program

City of Tukwila

$240,000 King Conservation District

$457,521 Wash. State Aquatic Lands Enhancement Account

$300,000 Wash. State Estuary and Salmon Restoration Program

$2,058,521 Additional grants will be applied for during subsequent restoration phase

Beaconsfield-on-the-Sound Design (Round 7: 2006)

Cascade Land Conservancy


Cascade Land Conservancy

$164,500 See Beaconsfield Acquisition and Restoration entry below

Riverview Park Side Channel Restoration Design (Round 7: 2006)

City of Kent

$150,000 $320,000 City of Kent

$1,120,000 Army Corps of Engineers

$1,590,000 None
Fenster Levee Setback and Floodplain Restoration (Round 6: 2006)

City of Auburn

(Green River Flood Control Zone District)

$675,900 $90,000 Green River Flood Control Zone District

$33,000 City of Auburn

$12,500 volunteer labor

$811,400 None
Mill Creek Mouth Restoration Planning (Round 6: 2006) City of Kent (Mid-Puget Sound Regional Fisheries Enhancement Group) $100,000 $100,000 City of Kent

$100,000 Conservation Futures Grant program

$300,000 None
Ellis Creek Pocket Estuary Acquisition and Restoration on Vashon Island (Round 6: 2006)

King County(Vashon-Maury Island Land Trust)

$189,438 $40,000 King County $229,438 None
Beaconfield-on-the-Sound Restoration Feasibility Study (Round 6: 2006)

Cascade Land Conservancy

$50,873 $6,000 City of Normandy Park

$2,977 Cascade Land Conservancy

$59,850 See Beaconsfield Design entry below
Seahurst Park Bulkhead Removal and Beach Restoration Construction (Round 5: 2004) City of Burien $190,500 $190,500 City of Burien

$707,000 Army Corps of Engineers

$1,088,000 None
Piner Point Acquisition on Maury Island (Round 5: 2004) King County $398,980 $71,000 King County Rural Drainage Program


$469,980 None
Lower Newaukum Creek Restoration (Round 5: 2004) King County $788,581 $75,000 King County

$75,000 King Conservation District

$938,581 None
Kanaskat Phase 3 Acquisitions (Round 4: 2002) King County $596,000 $65,500 King County Rural Drainage Program

$39,500 King Conservation District

$701,000 None
Lower Green River Acquisition (Round 4: 2002) City of Kent

(King County and Green River Flood Control Zone District)

$975,000 $180,000 City of Kent

$25,000 King County

$25,000 Green River Flood Control Zone District

$1,205,000 None
Habitat Inventory and Utilization Assessment (Round 4: 2002) City of Seattle $300,000 $90,000 King Conservation District $390,000 None
Kanaskat Reach Acquisitions (Round 3: 2001) King County $795,000 $400,000 Conservation Futures Grant program $1,195,000 None
Middle Green Acquisitions (Round 3: 2001) King County $1,011,000 $76,975 King Conservation District (2002)

$40,000 Endangered Species Act Contingency Fund

$62,025 Regional Needs Assessment Funds

$1,190,000 None
Metzler Park Side Channel Acquisition (Round 2: 2000) King County $450,000 $50,000 Endangered Species Act Contingency Fund

$40,000 King Conservation District (1999)

$540,000* Potentially $260,000 in Section 1135 restoration funds from Army Corps of Engineers
Kanaskat North (Brunner Slough) Side Channel Acquisition (Round 2: 2000) King County $515,000 $95,000 King Conservation District (2000) $610,000* $1.576 million estimated Ecosystem Restoration Project funds from Army Corps of Engineers
Big Spring Creek Acquisition (Round 2: 2000) King County

(Trout Unlimited and Mid-Puget Sound Regional Fisheries Enhancement Group)


$200,000 amendment from SRFB in 2006

$60,000 King Conservation District (1998)

$35,000 Mid-Puget Sound Regional Fisheries Enhancement Group


$20,000 King Conservation District (1998)

$1,550,700 estimated Ecosystem Restoration Project funds from Army Corps of Engineers

Seahurst Park Bulkhead Removal Assessment (Round 2: 2000) City of Burien $82,000 $18,000 City of Burien $100,000 None
North Wind's Weir (Site 1) Duwamish River Acquisition/ Restoration (Round 1: 2000) King County

(City of Tukwila)

$500,000 $611,000 Elliott Bay/ Duwamish Restoration Panel

$500,000 Wash. State Aquatic Lands Enhancement Account

$100,000 City of Seattle

$100,000 City of Tukwila

$100,000 King County

$1,911,000* $59,000 Project Design and Engineering from King Conservation District

See North Wind's Weir Construction project entry below

O'Grady Stream Restoration (Pre-SRFB: 1999) King County $100,000 $122,000 $222,000  
Porter Levee Partial Removal (Pre-SRFB: 1999) King County $40,000 $150,000 $190,000  
North Fork Newaukum Creek Restoration
(Pre-SRFB: 1999)
King County $40,000 $81,019 $121,019  
TOTALS $12,985,338 $16,264,153



* Note: Figures are for the acquisition phase only and do not include restoration costs. Restoration costs are in some cases listed in the final column. These projects are also part of the Green/Duwamish Ecosystem Restoration Project (ERP) involving the US Army Corps of Engineers and WRIA 9 Forum partner governments.