Salmon Recovery Funding Board (SRFB) Funding for Watershed Salmon Habitat Recovery

About the Salmon Recovery Funding Grant Program

The goal of the state Salmon Recovery Funding Board (SRFB) of the State Recreation and Conservation Office is to fund the best salmon habitat projects in Washington State. "Best projects" are those that include local priorities and use the best available science. Eligible projects include:

projects that will benefit salmon and the habitat and ecosystem functions on which they depend.

Funding for the SRFB comes from state and federal sources.

The SRFB relies on watersheds to evaluate and rank proposed projects on an annual basis before it evaluates the proposals and makes funding decisions. In the Green/Duwamish and Central Puget Sound Watershed (WRIA 9), the Watershed Ecosystem Forum (and its predecessor, the Steering Committee) reviews and ranks projects in each annual "round." SRFB project proposals have to implement or be consistent with the recommendations of the watershed Salmon Habitat Plan.

Since 2007 (the eighth round), SRFB funds have been combined in some years with funds from the Puget Sound Acquisition and Restoration (PSAR) program.

Over the first 10 annual funding rounds, 30 projects in the watershed have received SRFB grants. In addition, three grants totaling $180,000 were awarded during a "pre-SRFB" round in 1999. In total, $13 million has been awarded to 33 projects.

SRFB/PSAR grants have leveraged over $16 million in other local, state, and federal grants.

More information on funded projects is available at the Recreation and Conservation Office web site or contact Suzanna Smith, Habitat Projects Coordinator, 206-477-4641.