Habitat Inventory and Utilization Assessment for Lower Green, Duwamish, and Nearshore Subwatersheds
Project Description
- Covering the Lower Green River Subwatershed, Duwamish Subwatershed, and Nearshore Subwatershed
- This project supports the WRIA 9 goal of ensuring juvenile salmonid survival by filling data gaps regarding current habitat conditions in the more urbanized subwatersheds of the watershed
Partners and Funding
- $300,000 funded by SRFB (fourth round) and $90,000 funded by King Conservation District
- Additional funding information
Completed Habitat Assessments
- Marine Shoreline Inventory Report (March 2004)
- Lower Duwamish Inventory Report (May 2004)(Adobe Acrobat 6.1 MB)
- Lower Green River Baseline Inventory Report (January 2004)
Importance for Salmon
- Increase knowledge of current habitat conditions and linkages between juvenile salmonid survival and various habitat types
- Allow better identification and prioritization of habitat for protection and restoration
- Assessments made up part of the WRIA 9 Strategic Assessment that provided the scientific basis for the 2005 Salmon Habitat Plan
Other Watershed Salmon Restoration/Protection Projects