Marine Shoreline Inventory Report: March 2004

This report inventories selected shoreline habitat features that support nearshore habitat for juvenile salmonids. The results are presented in part using high-resolution aerial photos with overlays that classify the types of habitat provided.

Also available upon request are Geographic Information System (GIS) shapefiles of the habitat features.

The "nearshore" is the ribbon of habitat extending from the shallow marine waters of Puget Sound up to the tops of beaches and bluffs. It provides important habitat for young salmon after they have left the freshwater streams where they hatched and reared. Additional information is available on this part of the watershed and how it supports salmon:

This information was used to help the Steering Committee of the Green/Duwamish and Central Puget Sound Watershed (WRIA 9) develop and prioritize management actions for the Salmon Habitat Plan. This is one of a series of reports that make up the Strategic Assessment.

This information will also help landowners and local governments better understand the value of the lands under their ownership/jurisdiction.

The preparation of this report was funded with grants from the state Salmon Recovery Funding Board and the King Conservation District.

Information in this report and the Inventory of Current and Historic Beach Feeding Sources were used to write the Prioritization of Marine
Shorelines Report
, completed in 2006.

Main Text and Tables

Report text (Adobe Acrobat 627 KB)


Figure 1-1: Vicinity Map (Adobe Acrobat 425 KB)

Figure 2-1: Example of Impervious Surfaces Classification (Adobe Acrobat 182 KB)

Figure 2-2: Areas of Difficulty in Photo Interpretation (Adobe Acrobat 350 KB)

Figure 3-1: ShoreZone Cross-Shore Substrate (West Point, City of Seattle) (Adobe Acrobat 149 KB)

Figure 3-2: ShoreZone Marsh Vegetation (Tramp Harbor, Quartermaster Harbor, Vashon/Maury Islands) (Adobe Acrobat 180 KB)

Figure 3-3: Washington Department of Health Shellfish Data (Adobe Acrobat 559 KB)

Figure 3-4: ShoreZone Wave Exposure and Effective Fetch (Adobe Acrobat 278 KB)

Figure 3-5: Net Shore Drift (Adobe Acrobat 371 KB)

Figure 3-6: Freshwater Inputs (Fauntleroy Cove, Seattle) (Adobe Acrobat 192 KB)

Figure 3-7: Marine Riparian Vegetation (Manzanita Beach, Maury Island) (Adobe Acrobat 169 KB)

Figure 3-8: Large Woody Debris and Drift Logs (Peter Point, Vashon Island) (Adobe Acrobat 244 KB)

Figure 3-9: Shoreline Armor (Normandy Park) (Adobe Acrobat 148 KB)

Figure 3-10: Impervious Surface Coverage (Mouth of Miller Creek, Normandy Park) (Adobe Acrobat 173 KB)

Figure 3-11: Boat Ramps, Marine Rails and Overwater Structures (Quartermaster Harbor, Vashon Island) (Adobe Acrobat 190 KB)

Figure 3-12: Jetties, Breakwaters and Groins (Elliott Bay Marina, Seattle) (Adobe Acrobat 185 KB)


Appendix A: Data Dictionary (Adobe Acrobat 144 KB)

Appendix B: Key Sources of Data (Adobe Acrobat 97 KB)

Other Strategic Assessment reports