Prioritization of Marine Shorelines of WRIA 9 for Juvenile Salmonid Habitat Protection and Restoration
May 2006
This report identifies Puget Sound shoreline habitats in southern King County that should be preserved or restored to help salmon. Information is presented in the form of maps and photos of selected stretches of shoreline.
You can download the report from this page.
Geographic Coverage and Topic
This report prioritizes nearshore habitat in southern King County including:
- Seattle south of West Point, including Elliott Bay and West Seattle
- Burien
- Normandy Park
- Des Moines
- Federal Way
- Vashon/Maury Island
The "nearshore" is the ribbon of habitat extending from the shallow marine waters of Puget Sound up to the tops of beaches and bluffs. It provides important habitat for young salmon after they have left the freshwater streams where they hatched and reared.
Use of Information
This information was used to help the Steering Committee of the Green/Duwamish and Central Puget Sound Watershed (WRIA 9) make decisions about implementation of the Salmon Habitat Plan.
This information also should help landowners and local governments better understand the value of the lands under their ownership/jurisdiction.
Information is available in GIS layers upon request (see below)
Additional/Related Information
Additional information is available on the marine nearshore of the watershed and how it supports salmon:
- Introduction to the Nearshore
- Nearshore Subwatershed Page
- King County's Central Puget Sound Watershed Page
The Strategic Assessment contains related scientific information on this area. Related reports include:
- Marine Shoreline Inventory Report (March 2004)
- Inventory and Assessment of Current and Historic Beach Feeding Sources/Erosion and Accretion Areas for the Marine Shorelines of Water Resource Inventory Areas 8 and 9 (December 2005)
Financial Support
The preparation of this report was funded with grants from the state Salmon Recovery Funding Board and the King Conservation District.
Download the Report
The document has been broken into parts for ease of downloading.
Download Section I (Adobe Acrobat 3.2 MB) contents:
- Cover
- Table of Contents
- List of Maps
- Executive Summary
- Table ES-1: Overall Project Area Recommendations
- Map ES-1: Study Area and Subarea Recommendations
- Chapter 1: Introduction
- Map 1: Vicinity Map
- Chapter 2: Salmonids and the Marine Nearshore
- Table 1: SASSI Reports Status of Anadromous Salmonid Stocks Originating in the Project Area
- Chapter 3: Project Approach and Methods
- Figure 1: Conceptual Model of Ecological Processes and Salmon Responses
- Table 2: Summary of Ecological Functions Affected by Habitat Features Used in Nearshore Assessment
- Table 3: Data Used in the Evaluation of the Ecological Functions of Habitats
- Map 2: Subareas and Drift Cells
Download Section 2 (Adobe Acrobat 3.8 MB) contents:
- Chapter 4: Habitat Function Model Results
- Map 3: Existing Habitat Function
- Map 4: Rebabilitation Potential
- Map 5: Restoration Potential
- Chapter 5: Priority Areas and Subarea Recommendations (pages 20 - 32)
- Map 6 Overlay: Subarea Recommendations
- Map 6: Study Area Recommendations
Download Section 3 (Adobe Acrobat 10.6 MB) contents:
- Chapter 5: Priority Areas and Subarea Recommendations (pages 33 - 35)
- Map 7: Magnolia Subarea and Priority Recommendations
Download Section 4 (Adobe Acrobat 9.9 MB) contents:
- Chapter 5: Priority Areas and Subarea Recommendations (pages 36 - 38)
- Map 8: Elliott Bay Subarea and Priority Recommendations
Download Section 5 (Adobe Acrobat 13.4 MB) contents:
- Chapter 5: Priority Areas and Subarea Recommendations (pages 39 - 42)
- Map 9: West Seattle to Burien Subarea and Priority Recommendations
Download Section 6 (Adobe Acrobat 13.8 MB) contents:
- Chapter 5: Priority Areas and Subarea Recommendations (pages 43 - 45)
- Map 10: Three Tree Point to Des Moines Subarea and Priority Recommendations
Download Section 7 (Adobe Acrobat 10.3 MB) contents:
- Chapter 5: Priority Areas and Subarea Recommendations (pages 46 - 48)
- Map 11: Des Moines to Federal Way Subarea and Priority Recommendations
Download Section 8 (Adobe Acrobat 11.3 MB) contents:
- Chapter 5: Priority Areas and Subarea Recommendations (pages 49 - 51)
- Map 12: East Maury Island Subarea and Priority Recommendations
Download Section 9 (Adobe Acrobat 12.2 MB) contents:
- Chapter 5: Priority Areas and Subarea Recommendations (pages 52 - 54)
- Map 13: East Vashon Island Subarea and Priority Recommendations
Download Section 10 (Adobe Acrobat 9.7 MB) contents:
- Chapter 5: Priority Areas and Subarea Recommendations (pages 55 - 57)
- Map 14: North Vashon Island Subarea and Priority Recommendations
Download Section 11 (Adobe Acrobat 11.9 MB) contents:
- Chapter 5: Priority Areas and Subarea Recommendations (pages 58 - 60)
- Map 15: West Vashon Island Subarea and Priority Recommendations
Download Section 12 (Adobe Acrobat 10.0 MB) contents:
- Chapter 5: Priority Areas and Subarea Recommendations (pages 61 - 63)
- Map 16: West Quartermaster Harbor Subarea and Priority Recommendations
Download Section 13 (Adobe Acrobat 12.6 MB) contents:
- Chapter 5: Priority Areas and Subarea Recommendations (pages 64 - 66)
- Map 17: Inner Quartermaster Harbor Subarea and Priority Recommendations
Download Section 14 (Adobe Acrobat 10.0 MB) contents:
- Chapter 5: Priority Areas and Subarea Recommendations (pages 67 - 69)
- Map 18: East Quartermaster Harbor Subarea and Priority Recommendations
Download Section 15 (Adobe Acrobat 3.9 MB) contents:
- Chapter 6: Conclusions
- Chapter 7: References
- Appendix A: Field Data Collection Report
- Map A-1: Shoreline Armor
- Map A-2: Marshes and Stream Mouths
- Map A-3: Groins, Marine Rails, Ramps
- Appendix C: Scoring System for Habitat Function Model
Appendix B: Final GIS Data Layers is not available on line; request a free CD-ROM from Linda Grob, 206-477-4704.
Other Strategic Assessment reports