Strategic Assessment

The Strategic Assessment consists of a series of technical reports summarizing scientific research done during 2002-2005. This research addressed data gaps of salmonid life history and salmonid use of the Green/Duwamish and Central Puget Sound Watershed (WRIA 9).

The purpose of the Strategic Assessment was to provide the scientific basis for the Salmon Habitat Plan.

Specific components of the Strategic Assessment include:

The final part of the Strategic Assessment is a condensed synthesis of the component reports: WRIA 9 Strategic Assessment report (Adobe Acrobat 4.3 MB) This summary also is referred to in various documents as the "coat."

The Strategic Assessment research shows:

A variety of governments and consultants have carried out these tasks. Participating governments and the King Conservation District paid for this work.

The Strategic Assessment is not the only scientific information used in developing the Habitat Plan. Other studies and technical reports, also provided valuable technical information that helped policymakers arrive at sound decisions.

If you would like a CD-ROM containing these reports, please contact Linda Grob, 206-477-4704.

Task 1: Strategy Update

Task 2: Historical Conditions Assessment

Task 3: Current Conditions Assessment