Strategic Assessment
The Strategic Assessment consists of a series of technical reports summarizing scientific research done during 2002-2005. This research addressed data gaps of salmonid life history and salmonid use of the Green/Duwamish and Central Puget Sound Watershed (WRIA 9).
The purpose of the Strategic Assessment was to provide the scientific basis for the Salmon Habitat Plan.
Specific components of the Strategic Assessment include:
- An update of the watershed technical strategy
- An historic conditions analysis for the watershed
- A characterization of current habitat conditions in the watershed
- An evaluation of the habitat factors limiting salmon populations in the watershed
- A characterization of the functional linkages between habitat conditions and salmon survival with a model
- On-going coordination of research efforts.
The final part of the Strategic Assessment is a condensed synthesis of the component reports: WRIA 9 Strategic Assessment report (Adobe Acrobat 4.3 MB) This summary also is referred to in various documents as the "coat."
The Strategic Assessment research shows:
- Generally what we should be doing for salmon habitat in the short-term and long-term
- How juvenile salmon utilize the river and how current habitat conditions play a role
- How has the habitat conditions changed over time and where are the areas that can serve as refugia (places to shelter fish from catastrophic events)
- Current habitat conditions including water quality and streamside habitat conditions
- Why habitat conditions in the Puget Sound shoreline matter to young salmon
- The future habitat conditions needed to support salmon for the benefit of future generations
A variety of governments and consultants have carried out these tasks. Participating governments and the King Conservation District paid for this work.
The Strategic Assessment is not the only scientific information used in developing the Habitat Plan. Other studies and technical reports, also provided valuable technical information that helped policymakers arrive at sound decisions.
If you would like a CD-ROM containing these reports, please contact Linda Grob, 206-477-4704.
Task 1: Strategy Update
- WRIA 9 Technical Strategy for Salmonid Conservation and Recovery (Adobe Acrobat 73 KB)(Updated June 2003)
Task 2: Historical Conditions Assessment
- Inventory and Assessment of Current and Historic Beach Feeding Sources/Erosion and Accretion Areas for the Marine Shorelines of Water Resource Inventory Areas 8 and 9 (December 2005)
- Historical Aquatic Habitats in the Green and Duwamish River Valleys and the Elliott Bay Nearshore (September 2005)(Adobe Acrobat 17 MB)
- Upper Green River Historical and Current Habitat Conditions (Adobe Acrobat 16 MB) (June 2004)
- Several additional reports were not finalized but key findings were summarized in Section 2 of the WRIA 9 Strategic Assessment Report - Scientific Foundation for Salmonid Habitat Conservation (November 2005)(Adobe Acrobat 4.3 MB)
Task 3: Current Conditions Assessment
- Marine Shoreline Inventory Report (March 2004)
- Inventory and Assessment of Current and Historic Beach Feeding Sources/Erosion and Accretion Areas for the Marine Shorelines of Water Resource Inventory Areas 8 and 9 (December 2005)
- Prioritization of Marine Shorelines of WRIA 9 for Juvenile Salmonid Habitat Protection and Restoration (May 2006)
- Lower Duwamish Inventory Report (Adobe Acrobat 6.1 MB)(May 2004))
- Lower Green River Baseline Habitat Survey Report (includes the Upper Duwamish)(January 2004)
- Green River Baseline Habitat Monitoring - 2001 Data Report (August 2002) (Adobe Acrobat 15.7 MB) - external link
- Green-Duwamish Water Quality Report 2001-2002 (May 2004)
- Green-Duwamish Watershed Water Temperature Report 2001-2003 (June 2004)
- Assessment of Current Water Quantity Conditions in the Green River Basin (September 2005)(Adobe Acrobat 3.8 MB)
- Figure 1-1 - Location Map (Adobe Acrobat 1 MB)
- Figure 4-1 - Chinook Distribution Map (Adobe Acrobat 1 MB)
- Figure 4-2 - Chum, Coho, Pink, and Sockeye Distribution Map (Adobe Acrobat 1 MB)Â
Task 4: Comparison of Historical and Current Conditions Assessment
- A final version of this report was not completed but key findings were summarized in Section 4 of the WRIA 9 Strategic Assessment Report - Scientific Foundation for Salmonid Habitat Conservation (November 2005)(Adobe Acrobat 4.3 MB)
Task 5: Salmonid Utilization and Habitat Limiting Factors
- WRIA 9 Chinook Salmon Research Framework (July 2004)(Adobe Acrobat 738 KB)
- 2005 Juvenile Chinook Duwamish River Studies (May 2006)(Adobe Acrobat 4.5 MB)
- Evaluation and Assessment of Hatchery and Wild Salmon Interactions in WRIA 9 (November 2005)(Adobe Acrobat 637 KB)
- Salmonid Species Composition, Timing, Distribution, and Diet in Nearshore Marine Waters of WRIAs 8 and 9 in 2001-2002 (June 2004)
Task 6: Functional Linkages
- Functional Linkages Reports
- Toward an Understanding of Functional Linkages Between Habitat Quality, Quantity, and Distribution; and Sustainable Salmon Populations: A Review of Analytical Approaches and Recommendations for Use in WRIA 9 - Phase 1 Report (December 2003)(Adobe Acrobat 840 KB)
- Final WRIA 9 Conservation Hypotheses - Functional Linkages Phase 2 Report (November 2005)(Adobe Acrobat 661 KB)
- Appendices (Phase I and 2) (Adobe Acrobat 1.5 MB)
- Tiered Conservation Hypotheses (Adobe Acrobat 129 KB)
Task 7: Necessary Future Conditions
- A final version of this report was not completed but key findings were summarized in Section 7 of the WRIA 9 Strategic Assessment Report - Scientific Foundation for Salmonid Habitat Conservation (November 2005)(Adobe Acrobat 4.3 MB)
Task 8: Strategic Assessment Report
- WRIA 9 Strategic Assessment Report - Scientific Foundation for Salmonid Habitat Conservation (November 2005)(Adobe Acrobat 4.3 MB)