WRIA 9 Habitat Limiting Factors and Reconnaissance Assessment for Salmon Habitat
The WRIA 9 Habitat Limiting Factors and Reconnaissance Assessment report:
- Provides a summary of what was known about current and past salmonid species and habitat conditions in the Green/Duwamish and Central Puget Sound Watershed (WRIA 9) for future reference;
- Provides baseline information for WRIA 9 (based on data available in 2000) for use in the implementation of an adaptive management program;
- Identifies factors of decline in the WRIA, key findings, and associated data gaps that were used in creating the WRIA 9 Near-Term Salmon Action Agenda (2002) and the Salmon Habitat Plan (2005);
- Identified key data gaps that were addressed through the Strategic Assessment; and
- Provides preliminary guidance for policy makers to determine next steps and direct resources for the habitat conservation and restoration process.
Downloadable Files
This report was originally published as a two-volume set and designed to fit into two three-ring notebooks.
For a hard copy of this report, contact Linda Grob, 206-477-4704.
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (Adobe Acrobat 3.11 MB)
- Cover (Adobe Acrobat 2.3 MB), table of contents (Adobe Acrobat 8 KB), acknowledgements (Adobe Acrobat 2.4 MB)
Part I: Introduction
- Part I cover (Adobe Acrobat 425 KB)
1. Project Overview (Adobe Acrobat 466 KB)
2. Salmon Habitat Needs (Adobe Acrobat 33 KB)3. Current and Historic Salmonid Population
- Main text (Adobe Acrobat 78 KB)
- Figure CSP-6: (Adobe Acrobat 34 KB) Returning Chinook Salmon to the spawning grounds and hatcheries 1968-1997
- Figure CSP-7: (Adobe Acrobat 95 KB) Green/Duwamish River Chinook First Year Rearing Patterns
- Figure CSP-8: (Adobe Acrobat 38 KB) Green River Wild Chinook Salmon-annual total run, harvest and escapement of Green River "wild" chinook salmon
4. Salmon Genetics (Adobe Acrobat 59 KB)
Part II: Factors of Decline/Conditions
- Part II cover (Adobe Acrobat 457 KB)
1. Watershed-wide Conditions
1.1 Land Use
- Main text (Adobe Acrobat 101 KB)
- Figure LU-4: (Adobe Acrobat 3.9 MB) Land Cover/Land Use Map
- Figure LU-5: (Adobe Acrobat 1.4 MB) Designated Land Use Map
- Figure LU-6: (Adobe Acrobat 392 KB) Cities and Major Landowners Map
1.2 Water Quality
- Main text (Adobe Acrobat 363 KB)
- Figure WQ-1: (Adobe Acrobat 1 MB) Sampling locations in the Duwamish and Lower Green River and tributaries.
- Figure WQ-2: (Adobe Acrobat 565 KB) Sampling location in the Lower and Middle Green River and tributaries.
- Figure WQ-3: (Adobe Acrobat 837 KB) Sampling locations in the Upper Green River.
- Figure WQ-4: (Adobe Acrobat 771 KB) Water bodies and parameters on 303(d) list for water.
- Figure WQ-5 & WQ-7: (Adobe Acrobat 13 KB) Duwamish River historic temperatures & Mill Creek dissolver oxygen concentrations
2. Mainstem Green/Duwamish River Conditions
- Introductory Text (Adobe Acrobat 23 KB)
2.1 Hydrology
- Main text (Adobe Acrobat 281 KB)
- Figure HYDRO-1: (Adobe Acrobat 972 KB) Factors of Decline Study Subwatersheds
- Table HYDRO-5: (Adobe Acrobat 31 KB) River Flow Table comparing HHD/TPU projects
2.2 Sediment Transport
- Main text (Adobe Acrobat 125 KB)
- Figure SED-1: (Adobe Acrobat 193 KB) Green River Gravel "Conveyer Belt"
- Figure SED-2: (Adobe Acrobat 92 KB) Incised Channels with Armoring
- Figure SED-3A,3B: (Adobe Acrobat 144 KB) Natural and Incised River Channels
- Figure SED-6A,6B: (Adobe Acrobat 403 KB) Green River Mainstem Erosion Photos Channels
2.3 Hydromodification
- Main text (Adobe Acrobat 133 KB)
- Figure HM-1: (MS Word 71 KB) Side channel classification system applied to the Green River
- Figure HM-2: (Adobe Acrobat 1 MB) Channel types delineated for the mainstem Green River in WRIA 9
- Figures HM-3A: (Adobe Acrobat 423 KB) Location of artificial channel constraints (levees, revetments, stream adjacent roads in the Upper Green River Subwatershed
- Figures HM-3B: (Adobe Acrobat 341 KB) Location of artificial channel constraints (levees, revetments, stream adjacent roads in the Middle Green River Subwatershed
- Figures HM-3C: (Adobe Acrobat 180 KB) Location of artificial channel constraints (levees, revetments, stream adjacent roads in the Lower Green River Subwatershed
- Figure HM-5: (Adobe Acrobat 385 KB) Channel configuration in the middle and lower Green River circa 1906 and 1992
- Figures HM-8-1: (Adobe Acrobat 109 KB) Location of artificial channel constraints and large woody debris in Green-Duwamish River Estuary (River Miles 5-8)
- Figures HM-8-2: (Adobe Acrobat 112 KB) Location of artificial channel constraints and large woody debris in Green-Duwamish River Estuary (River Miles 7-11)
- Figure HM-8-3: (Adobe Acrobat 110 KB) Location of artificial channel constraints and large woody debris in Green-Duwamish River Estuary (River Miles 9-13).
2.4 Riparian Condition
- Main text (Adobe Acrobat 115 KB)
- Figure RIP-3: (Adobe Acrobat 620 KB) Riparian Vegetation in the Upper Green River subwatershed
- Figure RIP-4: (Adobe Acrobat 653 KB) Riparian Vegetation in the Middle Green River subwatershed including the Green River mainstem, Soos Creek, and Newaukum Creek
- Figure RIP-5: (Adobe Acrobat 247 KB) 1995 Riparian Cover Types in the Lower Green River subwatershed
- Figure RIP-6: (Adobe Acrobat 168 KB) 1995 Riparian Cover Types in the Duwamish River subwatershed
- Main text (Adobe Acrobat 90 KB)
- Figure Pass-1: (Adobe Acrobat 578 KB) Known anthropogenic barriers in the Upper Green River Subwatershed
- Figure Pass-2: (Adobe Acrobat 104 KB) Cross Section of Howard Hanson Dam
- Figure Pass-3: (Adobe Acrobat 6 KB) Mean Travel Times for Chinook, Coho, and Steelhead Smolts at Howard Hanson Dam
- Figure Pass-4: (Adobe Acrobat 903 KB) Known anthropogenic barriers in the Middle Green River Subwatershed
- Figure Pass-5: (Adobe Acrobat 94 KB) Photo of Tacoma Headworks Diversion Dam, RM 61
- Figure Pass-6: (Adobe Acrobat 88 KB) Relationship between Freefall Height and Salmonid Mortality
- Figure Pass-7: (Adobe Acrobat 184 KB) Relationship of Maximum Velocity and Mortality of Juvenile Salmonids at Pacific Northwest Dams
- Figure Pass-8: (Adobe Acrobat 147 KB) Photo of Backup Intake Screen at Tacoma Headworks Diversion Dam
- Figure Pass-9: (Adobe Acrobat 131 KB) Black River Pumping Plant Facility Site Plan
- Figure Pass-10: (Adobe Acrobat 122 KB) Black River Pumping Plant Upstream Fish Passage Facility
- Figure Pass-12: (Adobe Acrobat 778 KB) Known anthropogenic barriers in the Lower Green River, Duwamish Estuary, and Nearshore Subwatersheds
- Figure Pass-13: (Adobe Acrobat 173 KB) Black River Pumping Plant Downstream Fish Passage Facility
- Figure Pass-14: (Adobe Acrobat 188 KB) Photos of Soos Creek Hatchery Rack
- Figure Pass-15: (Adobe Acrobat 88 KB) Photo of Soos Creek Hatchery Diversion Weir and Fish Ladder
2.6 Non-Native Species
- Main text (Adobe Acrobat 45 KB)
- VOLUME II cover (Adobe Acrobat 2.4 MB)
Part II: Factors of Decline/Conditions, continued
- Main text (Adobe Acrobat 284 KB)
- Figure NS-1: (Adobe Acrobat 2.6 MB) Nearshore Bathymetry and Topography, WRIA 9 Nearshore
- Figure NS-2: (Adobe Acrobat 525 KB) Nearshore Section Illustrating Typical Zonation
- Figure NS-3: (Adobe Acrobat 261 KB) Aerial View of Selected Nearshore Habitats
- Figure NS-5: (Adobe Acrobat 105 KB) Historic Channel/Shore Locations, Upland Forest and Wetlands
- Figure NS-6: (Adobe Acrobat 364 KB) Drift Cells, WRIA 9 Nearshore
- Figure NS-7: (Adobe Acrobat 316 KB) Known Forage Fish Spawning Areas, WRIA 9 Nearshore
3. Tributary Conditions
Introductory text (Adobe Acrobat 59 KB)
3.1 Longfellow Creek Subbasin (Adobe Acrobat 92 KB)
3.2 Hamm Creek Subbasin (Adobe Acrobat 29 KB)
3.3 Springbrook Creek Subbasin (Adobe Acrobat 120 KB)
3.4 Mill Creek & Mullen Slough Subbasin (Adobe Acrobat 103 KB)
3.5 East Hill Tributaries of the Lower Green River (Adobe Acrobat 30 KB)
3.6 Middle Green River Tributaries (Adobe Acrobat 40 KB)
3.7 Soos Creek Subbasin (Adobe Acrobat 103 KB)
3.8 Newaukum Creek Subbasin (Adobe Acrobat 102 KB)
3.9 Coal and Deep Creeks Subbasins (Adobe Acrobat 20 KB)
3.10 Upper Green River and Sunday Creek Watershed Administrative Unit (Adobe Acrobat 99 KB)
3.11 Lester Watershed Administrative Unit (Adobe Acrobat 72 KB)
3.12 Independent Nearshore Tributaries (Adobe Acrobat 80 KB)
3.13 Vashon and Maury Islands Subbasin (Adobe Acrobat 99 KB)
4. Summary of Estuary and Nearshore Conditions
Part III: Summary
- Part III cover (Adobe Acrobat 103 KB)
- 2.1 Principles to Guide Salmonid Conservation and Recovery (Adobe Acrobat 31 KB)
- 2.2 Strategy: Unlock the Natural Potential (Adobe Acrobat 33 KB)
NOTE: The Strategy was updated in June 2003 to reflect changes in the scientific understanding of the watershed. Readers should rely on this Technical Strategy for Salmonid Conservation and Recovery (June 2003) (Adobe Acrobat 73 KB) rather than the older December 2000 version listed above. The Strategy was further refined in the Salmon Habitat Plan (August 2005). - 2.3 Specific Action Recommendations (Adobe Acrobat 16 KB)
1. Assessment (Adobe Acrobat 89 KB)
2. Conclusions
Part IV: Glossary and Bibliography
- Part IV cover (Adobe Acrobat 244 KB)
- 1. Acronyms and Glossary (Adobe Acrobat 36 KB)
- 2. Bibliography (Adobe Acrobat 93 KB)
Part V: Appendix
- Part V cover (Adobe Acrobat 311 KB)
- Evolutionarily Significant Unite (ESU) Maps cover (Adobe Acrobat 7 KB)
- Chinook Puget Sound ESU (Adobe Acrobat 723 KB)
- Chum Puget Sound ESU (Adobe Acrobat 587 KB)
- Coho Puget Sound ESU (Adobe Acrobat 514 KB)
- Cutthroat Puget Sound ESU (Adobe Acrobat 521 KB)
- Pink Salmon Odd Year Puget Sound ESU (Adobe Acrobat 516 KB)
- Steelhead Puget Sound ESU (Adobe Acrobat 726KB)
Fish Distribution Maps (maps based on more recent data also are available)
NOAA Evolutionarily Significant Unit Maps
Historical and Current Salmonid Populations, Life Histories and Habitat Conditions--Draft Report (Adobe Acrobat 297 KB)
Land Use Appendix (Adobe Acrobat 85 KB)
Habitat Matrix (Adobe Acrobat 87 KB)
If you are unable to download the report, have difficulty extracting files, or would otherwise like to request information, please contact Linda Grob, 206-477-4704.