Near-Term Action Agenda for Salmon Habitat

The WRIA 9 Steering Committee completed the Near-Term Action Agenda (NTAA) in May 2002.

From 2002-2005, the NTAA provided guidance to local governments, volunteer groups, and citizens on interim measures to protect and restore salmon habitat in the Green/Duwamish and Central Puget Sound Watershed (WRIA 9) while the Steering Committee worked on the long-term comprehensive Salmon Habitat Plan for the watershed.

With the approval of the Salmon Habitat Plan in 2005, the NTAA was retired. Many recommendations of the NTAA were included in the Salmon Habitat Plan.

2004-2005 Annual Progress Report on NTAA Implementation
(Adobe Acrobat 536 KB)
March 2006

2003 Annual Progress Report on NTAA Implementation
(Adobe Acrobat 196 KB)
March 2004

2002 Annual Progress Report on NTAA Implementation
(Adobe Acrobat 153 KB)
April 2003

The NTAA recommended near-term actions to help restore and protect habitat for Chinook salmon and bull trout. The document:

The NTAA was the result of four years of collaborative efforts and one year of sustained discussion among elected officials, city and county staff, business and environmental groups, scientists, and concerned citizens in the watershed.

As a guidance document for watershed salmon habitat recovery efforts, the NTAA was replaced by the Salmon Habitat Plan in December 2005.


Download the Near-Term Action Agenda
Please use Adobe Acrobat 6.0 or greater to view these files.

Downloadable files:

Full NTAA (Adobe Acrobat 6.34 MB)


Cover Memo from Steering Committee Chair Dwight Pelz (Adobe Acrobat 123 KB)

Memo from WRIA 9 Forum in support of the NTAA (Adobe Acrobat 116 KB)

Main Body

Quick Guide to Near-Term Action Agenda, Table of Contents, List of Tables, List of Figures, Acknowledgments (Adobe Acrobat 1.19 MB)

Chapter 1: Introduction (Adobe Acrobat 1.14 MB)

Chapter 2: WRIA 9 and Salmon Conservation (Adobe Acrobat 1.18 MB)

Chapter 3: WRIA-Wide Actions (Adobe Acrobat 1.26 MB)

Chapter 4: Subwatershed Actions (Adobe Acrobat 2.47 MB)

Chapter 5: Implementing the Near-Term Action Agenda (Adobe Acrobat 1.14 MB)


Figure 1: Cities and Subwatersheds of WRIA 9 (Adobe Acrobat 639 KB)

Figure 2 is included in text (download above)

Figure 3: Initial Salmon Conservation Strategy in the Green/Duwamish and Central Puget Sound Watershed (Adobe Acrobat 853 KB)

Figure 4: Upper Green River Subwatershed (Adobe Acrobat 432 KB)

Figure 5: Forestry, Agriculture, and Major Landowners (Adobe Acrobat 360 KB)

Figure 6: Middle Green River Subwatershed (Adobe Acrobat 329 KB)

Figure 7: Lower Green River Subwatershed (Adobe Acrobat 146 KB)

Figure 8: Duwamish Subwatershed (Adobe Acrobat 105 KB)

Figure 9: Nearshore Subwatershed including Elliott Bay (Adobe Acrobat 328 KB)


Appendix A: Activities Undertaken by WRIA 9 Jurisdictions (Adobe Acrobat 804 KB)

Appendix B: Riparian Management Provisions of Various Habitat Conservation Plans and the State Forest Practices Rules (Adobe Acrobat 216 KB)

Appendix C: Planned Projects that Benefit Species other than Chinook Salmon and Bull Trout (Adobe Acrobat 272 KB)

Back Cover (Adobe Acrobat 247 KB)

If you have difficulty downloading files or would like a hard copy, please contact Linda Grob, 206-477-4704.