Green-Duwamish Water Quality Report for 2001-2002
May 2004
This report summarizes water quality parameters in the Green/Duwamish Watershed from River Mile 64.5 at the Howard Hanson Dam to the mouth of the river at Elliott Bay. This section of the river includes the Middle Green, Lower Green, and Duwamish Estuary Subwatersheds.
The report:
- Characterizes existing water quality conditions in the Green/Duwamish Watershed based on comprehensive monitoring data collected in 2001 and 2002 for the Green/Duwamish Water Quality Assessment;
- Evaluates significant spatial patterns in the water quality data for the 18 monitoring locations; and
- Identifies sites with impaired water quality and those parameters of concern causing impairment.
This information helped the Steering Committee of the Green/Duwamish and Central Puget Sound Watershed (WRIA 9) develop and prioritize management actions for the Salmon Habitat Plan. This is one of a series of reports that make up the Strategic Assessment.
The preparation of this report was funded by the King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks.
Main Text and Figures (All files are in Adobe Acrobat)
Cover (130 KB)
Main text (2.3 MB)
Figure 1: Location of the Green-Duwamish watershed study area in WRIA 9 (327 KB)
Figure 2: Land use and cover circa 1995, WRIA 9 (908 KB)
Figure 3: Designated land use, WRIA 9 (1.3 MB)
Figure 4: Water bodies and parameters on the 1998 303(d) list for water, WRIA 9 (723 KB)
Figure 5: Monitoring sites for the Green-Duwamish watershed water quality assessment, WRIA 9 (1.5 MB)
Other figures are contained in the "Main text" listed above
Appendix A: Year 2000 Water Quality Data Summary (746 KB)
Appendix B: Data Quality Assurance Review Memoranda (1.8 MB)
Appendix C: Proposed Storm Event Delineation Method for the Green-Duwamish Watershed Water Quality Assessment
- Appendix C1: April 29, 2003 Memorandum on Proposed Storm Event Delineation Method for the Green-Duwamish Watershed Water Quality Assessment (166 KB)
- Appendix C2: Memo Attachment 1 - Proposed Storm Event Delineation Input Variables and Output for 2001-2002 Data (3.4 MB)
- Appendix C3: Memo Attachment 1 continued - Instruction for Daily Flow Storm Separation (4 MB)
- Appendix C4: Memo Attachment 2 - Soos Creek Gage 54A Discharge and Precipitation for November-December 2001 Compound Storm Events and Additional Examples of Storm Event Delineation Input Variables and Output for 2001-2002 Data (3.3 MB)
- Appendix C5: Memo Attachment 3 - Green WQA-Residential Gage 54C Discharge and Precipitation for November-December 2001 Compound Storm Events and Additional Examples of Storm Event Delineation Input Variables and Output for 2001-2002 Data (3.3 MB)
Appendix J: Water Quality Trend Analysis Results (553 KB)
Appendix K: Water Quality Index Scores (1.7 MB)
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