Plans, Studies and Maps
This page will link you to the plans, studies and maps related to aquatic ecosystem health and salmon habitat in the Lake Washington/ Cedar/Sammamish Watershed (WRIA 8).
For an overview of the watershed and why we we are addressing salmon habitat on the watershed basis, view the watershed introduction page.
Included here are:
- Planning Document and Resources
- Studies, Technical Reports and Presentations
- Technical Memos/Technical Committee Documents
- Fisheries and Ecology
- All-H (Habitat, Harvest and Hatchery) Integration
- Monitoring Reports
- Special Topics
- Presentations
- Site Studies
- Maps and Mapping Tools
- Other Resources
Restoring a place where salmon and people can live together
Lake Washington/Cedar/Sammamish Watershed (WRIA 8) - 2020 Progress Report
Planning Documents and Resources
- WRIA 8 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Subcommittee Strategic Plan (2021)
- 2017 Chinook Salmon Conservation Plan Update (November 2017)
- WRIA 8 Salmon Habitat Implementation Progress Report (original 2006-2015)
- 2024 WRIA 8 Four-Year Work Plan (updated 2023)
- WRIA 8 Communications and Outreach Framework (November 2020)
- Implementation Progress Report 2006-2015 (February 2016)
- Compendium of NOAA Stormwater Research References (November 2014)
- Five-Year Implementation Progress Report (December 2011)
- 2009 Survey Results Analysis: Implementation Of Programmatic & Land Use Actions (November 2009)
- Gap Analysis - WRIA 8 Education & Outreach (March 2009)
- Recommendations for WRIA 8 Education & Outreach Strategy (March 2009)
- WRIA 8 Communication/Outreach Strategy Matrix (September 2008)
- Implementation Progress Report (May 2008)
- Chinook Salmon Conservation Plan Summary (updated October 2014)
- Chinook Salmon Conservation Plan (August 2005)
- Enhancing Implementation of Programmatic Actions to Protect and Restore Habitat in WRIA 8 (May 2008) (Adobe Acrobat 893 KB)
- Near Term Action Agenda (August 2002)
- Habitat Work Schedule Database of Protection and Restoration Projects
- WRIA 8 Key Messages
Studies, Technical Reports and Presentations
Technical Memos/Technical Committee Documents
- Synthesis of Best Available Science: Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Conditions in the Lake Washington Ship Canal and Impacts on Salmon (April 2021)
- WRIA 8 Technical Committee Monitoring and Assessment priorities (January 2021)
- WRIA 8 Draft Habitat Goals (March 2017)
- WRIA 8 Plan Update Policy Decisions: Briefing Memo (March 2017)
- WRIA 8 Monitoring and Adaptive Management Project (2013-2014):
- WRIA 8 Monitoring & Adaptive Management (M&AM) Phase 1 Summary Report (June 2014) (Adobe 2.58 MB)
- WRIA 8 M&AM Phase 1 Appendix 2 (May 2014) (Adobe 1.37 MB)
- WRIA 8 M&AM Project-Miradi File Report (Adobe 1.73 MB)
- WRIA 8 Chinook Plan Start-List Actions Modeling Fish Performance Using Ecosystem Diagnosis and Treatment (WRIA 8 Technical Memo 2007-01) (October 2007)
- Inventory and Assessment of Current and Historic Beach Feeding Sources/Erosion and Accretion Areas for the Marine Shorelines of Water Resource Inventory Areas 8 and 9 (December 2005)
- Genetic Characterization of Chinook Salmon Populations Within WRIA 8 (September 2005)
- State of the Nearshore Ecosystem Report for WRIAs 8 and 9 (May 2001)
- Large river habitat complexity and productivity of Puget Sound Chinook salmon (November 2018)
- Migration and Residence Patterns of Salmonids in Puget Sound, Washington (2016)
- Salmonid Pre-Spawn Mortality Study - Sammamish River (December 2015)
- Assessment of Summer Temperatures and Feasibility and Design of Improved Adult Chinook Salmon Thermal Refuge Habitat in the Sammamish River (December 2010)
- Chinook Salmon Research Review Presentations:
- Distribution and Habitat Use of Juvenile Chinook Salmon in Nearshore Areas of Lakes in Western Washington (December 2010) (Adobe 9.01 MB)
- Chinook Salmon Smolt Behavior in Lake Washington and the Ship Canal: Results from 2004-2008 Acoustic Tracking Studies (December 2010) (Adobe 5.02 MB)
- Habitat Use and Behavior of Predatory Fishes in the Ship Canal (December 2010) (Adobe 5.66 MB)
- WRIA 8 Chinook Population Structure (WRIA 8 Technical Memo 2006-01) (September 2010)
- Salmon Bay Estuary Synthesis Report (January 2010)
- Synthesis of Salmon Research and Monitoring: investigations Conducted in the Western Lake Washington Basin (December 2008)
- Movement and Habitat Use of Juvenile Chinook Salmon and Two Predatory Fishes in Lake Washington: 2004-05 Acoustic Tracking Studies (December 2008) (Adobe 39.53 MB)
- Movement and Habitat Use of Chinook Salmon Smolts, Northern Pikeminnow, and Smallmouth Bass Near the SR 520 Bridge: 2007 Acoustic Tracking Study (October 2008) (Adobe 19.30 MB)
- Cold Creek Aquifer Study of Surface Water/Groundwater Interactions, Phase 2 (December 2007)
- Predator Fish Monitoring at Installed Large Wood Structures – Sammamish River Habitat Enhancement Projects (October 2007)
- Greater Lake Washington Chinook Workshops (February 2004 & January 2003)
All-H (Habitat, Harvest and Hatchery) Integration
- H-Integration Cedar Population Background Table (November 2009)
- H-Integration Cedar Population VSP Goals (December 2009)
- H-Integration Sammamish Population Background Table (November 2009)
- H-Integration Sammamish Population VSP Goals (December 2009)
- H-Integration Subcommittee Recomendations (December 2009)
- Monitoring Coho Salmon Smolt Outmigration Survival in Lake Washington, Muckleshoot Indian Tribe (December 2016)
- Monitoring & Maintenance Report: Rainbow Bend Levee Removal and Floodplain Reconnection Project (May 2016)
- Restoration Monitoring of Mapes and Taylor Creeks, Two Non-Natal Lake Washington Tributaries for Juvenile Chinook Salmon (February 2018)
- Sammamish River Off-Channel Thermal Refuge Rearing Habitat Restoration Project: Monitoring Report (January 2016) (Adobe 5.80 MB)
- Restoration Monitoring of Shuffleton Power Plant Flume Site in South Lake Washington:
- 2016 Progress Report (December 2016)
- 2015 Progress Report (October 2015)
- WRIA 8 Wadeable Streams Status and Trends Project Website
- Status and Trends of Aquatic and Riparian Habitats in the WRIA 8 Watershed (April 2015) (Adobe 6.95 MB)
- Fish-Habitat Relationships and the Effectiveness of Habitat Restoration (NOAA, 2014)
- WRIA 8 Wadeable Streams Status and Trends Project: Salish Sea Conference Presentation (May 1, 2014) (Adobe 2.78 MB)
- WRIA 8 Landcover Change Report (WRIA 8 Technical Memo 2011-01) (July 2011)
- WRIA 8 Multi-Species Salmon Recovery Synthesis Report (July 2024)
- WRIA 8 Technical Forum: Agenda, Presentations and Abstracts (November 17, 2015)
- Artificial Night-Time Light:
- USGS Study of Artificial Light at night in Lake Washington - map
- Artificial lights with different spectra do not alter detrimental attraction of young Chinook salmon and sockeye salmon along lake shorelines, by Roger A. Tabor, Elizabeth K. Perkin, David A. Beauchamp et al (2021)
- Artificial Lighting Impacts to Salmon in WRIA 8 Briefing Memo (March 2020)
- Artificial Lighting Experiments in Lake Washington (2014) and Lake Sammamish (2015) (November 2015)
- Presentation: Bright Lights, Big City - Chinook Salmon Smolt Nightlife in Lake Washington and the Ship Canal (November 2015)
- Presentation: Artificial Lighting Experiments 2014-15, Lake Washington and Lake Sammamish (November 2015)
- Predation:
- Predation Impacts on Juvenile Chinook in WRIA 8 Synthesis Report (December 2024)
- Recommendations Report on Pinniped Management at the Ballard Locks (January 2024)
- Predation of Juvenile Salmon in WRIA 8
- Predation of Juvenile Salmonids by Resident Trout and Other Fishes in the Lower Cedar River (February 2014) (Adobe 3.46 MB)
- Predation of Juvenile Chinook Salmon by Predatory Fishes in Three Areas of the Lake Washington Basin (February 2004)
- Habitat Limiting Factors Report:
- July 2013 Monitoring & Adaptive Management Presentation to WRIA 8 Salmon Recovery Council
- September 2013 Monitoring & Adaptive Management Presentation to WRIA 8 Salmon Recovery Council
- Chinook Salmon Research Review Presentations:
- Distribution and Habitat Use of Juvenile Chinook Salmon in Nearshore Areas of Lakes in Western Washington (December 2010) (Adobe 9.01 MB)
- Chinook Salmon Smolt Behavior in Lake Washington and the Ship Canal: Results from 2004-2008 Acoustic Tracking Studies (December 2010) (Adobe 5.02 MB)
- Habitat Use and Behavior of Predatory Fishes in the Ship Canal (December 2010) (Adobe 5.66 MB)
- Lower Cedar Restoration Chinook Salmon Habitat Restoration Assessment Study (November 2015) (Adobe 20.18 MB)
Maps and Mapping Tools
- WRIA 8 Recovery Tier Map (2016)
- King County Watershed Map Showing Land Use with Clickable Subwatersheds
- King County Natural Resource Maps
- WRIA 8 Fish Distribution Maps
- SalmonScape Interactive Mapping Tool - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
Other Resources
- Watershed Management for Salmon Recovery: A Reference Guide, Sound Salmon Solutions (2017)
- State of Salmon: Restoring a Washington Icon (video), from the Washington Recreation and Conservation Office (2013)
- Green Shorelines: Bulkhead Alternatives for a Healthier Lake Washington (December 2008)
- Grant Funding Opportunities