Predation of Juvenile Salmon in the Lake Washington/Cedar/Sammamish Watershed
Young salmon are especially vulnerable to predators during their freshwater and nearshore rearing and migration stages. Native fish such as pikeminnow and cutthroat trout, as well as introduced species such as bass and walleye, are known predators of salmon. Numerous birds also prey on salmon.
A number of studies have been conducted in WRIA 8 to consider the potential effects of predation on salmon:
- Predation of Juvenile Salmonids by Resident Trout and Other Fishes in the Lower Cedar River (February 2014)
- Habitat Use and Behavior of Predatory Fishes in the Ship Canal (December 2010)
- Predator Fish Monitoring at Installed Large Wood Structures - Sammamish River Habitat Enhancement Projects (October 2007)
- Predation of Juvenile Chinook Salmon by Predatory Fishes in Three Areas of the Lake Washington Basin (February 2004)