2017 Chinook Salmon Conservation Plan Update

CSIACedar RapidsBallard Locks

Below are links to the final 2017 WRIA 8 Chinook Salmon Conservation Plan Update documents, including the main Plan update document and supporting appendices. The 2017 Plan update was approved by the WRIA 8 Salmon Recovery Council in September.

This 2017 Plan updates the 2005 WRIA 8 Chinook Salmon Conservation Plan. The 2017 Plan is an addendum to the 2005 Plan, but is also intended to serve as a stand-alone document. As an addendum, the 2017 Plan continues themes and content discussed in the 2005 Plan, provides information learned during the first 10 years of implementation, includes new habitat goals, and identifies new and updated strategies to meet salmon recovery goals.

Since 2000, WRIA 8 partners have worked together to improve conditions for threatened Chinook salmon, with the goal of bringing Chinook salmon back to sustainable, harvestable levels. After over ten years of implementation, we have made great progress on many of our short-term goals, but overall salmon population numbers are still far short of a level that would consistently support sustainable runs for tribal and recreational fishing year-to-year and fulfill treaty-guaranteed tribal fishing rights. Much work remains.

Download Here:

Final WRIA 8 Plan Update (39 MB)

Appendix A: Monitoring and Assessment Plan (4.8 MB)

Appendix B: Plan Update Process (66 KB)

Appendix C: Pressures Assessment (450 KB)

Appendix D: Habitat Goals (60 KB)

Appendix E: Recovery Strategies (10.5 MB)

Appendix F: Site-Specific Projects List (complete list) (2.5 MB)

Appendix G: Four Year Work Plan (21 KB)

Appendix H: Land Use Action Recommendations (628 KB)

Appendix I: Education and Outreach Recommendations (296 KB)

For questions contact: Jason Mulvihill-Kuntz, WRIA 8 Salmon Recovery Manager,
jason.mulvihill-kuntz@kingcounty.gov or 206-477-4780.