Implementation Technical Committee


The purpose of the Implementation Technical Committee is to assist in the implementation of the Salmon Habitat Plan by serving as a technical- and policy-focused subcommittee to the Watershed Ecosystem Forum.

Download the charter of the Implementation Technical Committee.

The Implementation Technical Committee (ITC) focuses on:

Meeting Schedule

The ITC generally meets on the third Wednesday of the month.

Meeting Materials

ITC Accomplishments


ITC membership includes staff from local jurisdictions, nonprofits, local, state and federal agencies. Interested citizens may request to be added to the distribution list to receive meeting agendas and working materials by contacting Iris Kemp, Planning & Technical Coordinator for WRIA 9, 206-477-7680.

Decision-making is by consensus. When this is not possible, provisions for the expression of minority opinions are made so that decision makers and the public are informed of the diversity of views.

For More Information

For more information, please contact Iris Kemp, 206-477-7680.

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