WRIA 8 Interlocal Agreement: Supporting Implementation of the Chinook Salmon Conservation Plan

Twenty-eight local jurisdictions in the Lake Washington/Cedar/Sammamish Watershed or Water Resource Inventory Area 8 (WRIA 8) are partnering through an Interlocal Agreement (ILA) to coordinate implementation of the WRIA 8 Chinook Salmon Conservation Plan (WRIA 8 Plan). The purpose of the ILA is to provide a mechanism, staffing, and governance structure for the joint funding and implementation of the WRIA 8 Plan.

View the WRIA 8 Interlocal Agreement (ILA) 2016-2025 (Adobe 1.11 MB).


As part of a regional response to the 1999 listing of Chinook salmon as threatened under the Endangered Species Act, 27 local governments within WRIA 8 entered into a five-year ILA to cost-share development, review, and approval of the WRIA 8 Plan, which was completed in 2005. The WRIA 8 ILA was extended through 2006 and again in 2007 through 2015. At the end of 2015, 28 local government partners updated and renewed the ILA for the ten year period between 2016 and 2025.

The renewed ILA continues the partnership for implementation of the WRIA 8 Plan by cost-sharing the WRIA 8 staff team and supporting the Salmon Recovery Council and associated committees; assisting local governments with implementation of policy and programmatic recommendations from the WRIA 8 Plan; managing grant programs for habitat protection and restoration projects; supporting public outreach and education; maintaining the WRIA 8 website and providing communication services; and performing administrative duties such as budget tracking, reporting, and support services to the Salmon Recovery Council, committees, and local government partners.

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