Salmon Recovery Council Members

Meetings of the WRIA 8 Salmon Recovery Council are generally held five to six times a year from 2:00 to 4:15 p.m. on the third Thursday of the month. A complete schedule of Salmon Recovery Council meetings is available. For schedule updates or other information, contact Jason Mulvihill-Kuntz,WRIA 8 Salmon Recovery Manager, at jason or 206-477-4780.

Salmon Recovery Council meeting agendas and documents

Organization Name Title
Town of Beaux Arts Village Vacant, Delegate  
City of Bellevue John Stokes, Delegate Councilmember
Vacant, Alternate
City of Bothell Carston Curd, Vice Chair, Delegate Councilmember
Jeanne Zornes, Alternate Councilmember
City of Clyde Hill Kim Muromoto, Delegate Councilmember
City of Edmonds Michelle Dotsch, Delegate Councilmember
Vacant, Alternate
City of Everett Dana Zlateff, Delegate Surface Water Compliance Specialist
Town of Hunts Point Ted Frantz, Delegate Councilmember
City of Issaquah Zach Hall, Delegate Councilmember
City of Kenmore Melanie O'Cain, Delegate Deputy Mayor
Vacant, Alternate
City of Kent Vacant, Delegate  
Mike Mactutis, Staff Alternate Environmental Engineering Manager
King County Rod Dembowski, Delegate Councilmember
Garrett Holbrook, Staff Alternate Legislative Aide
Libby Hollingshead, Staff Alternate Legislative Aide
City of Kirkland Penny Sweet, Delegate Councilmember
Neal Black, Alternate Councilmember
City of Lake Forest Park Tracy Furutani, Delegate Councilmember
Lorri Bodi, Alternate Councilmember
City of Maple Valley Vacant, Delegate  
City of Medina Vacant, Delegate  
Ryan Osada, Staff Alternate Public Works Director
City of Mercer Island Lisa Anderl, Delegate Councilmember
City of Mill Creek Sean Paddock, Delegate Councilmember
Melissa Duque, Alternate Councilmember
City of Mountlake Terrace Rory Paine-Donovan, Delegate Councilmember
City of Mukilteo Joe Marine, Delegate Mayor
Meiring Borcherds, Alternate Surface Water Programs Manager
City of Newcastle Sun Burford, Delegate Councilmember
City of Redmond Vanessa Kritzer, Chair, Delegate Councilmember
City of Renton Valerie O'Halloran, Delegate Councilmember
Ryan McIrvin, Alternate Councilmember
City of Sammamish Roisin O'Farrell, Delegate Councilmember
Karen Howe, Alternate Mayor
City of Seattle Maritza Rivera, Delegate Councilmember
Joy Hollingsworth, Alternate Councilmember
Martha Neuman, Staff Alternate Senior Policy Advisor
City of Shoreline Annette Ademasu , Delegate Councilmember
Laura Mork, Alternate Deputy Mayor
Snohomish County Strom Peterson, Delegate Councilmember
Josh Thompson, Staff Alternate Legislative Aide
City of Woodinville James Randolph, Delegate Deputy Mayor
Jared Hill, Alternate Intergovernmental Affairs Coordinator
Town of Woodway John Brock, Delegate Councilmember
Vacant, Alternate Councilmember
Town of Yarrow Point Vacant, Delegate
Alderwood Water & Wastewater District Mike Dixon, Delegate Commissioner
The Boeing Company John Sherman, Delegate Representative
Cedar River Council Corinne Helmer, Delegate Representative
Environmental Science Center Larry Reymann, Delegate Board Member
Joanna Stodden, Alternate Executive Director
Friends of the Issaquah Salmon Hatchery (FISH) Larry Franks, Delegate Vice President, Board of Directors
King Conservation District Kirstin Haugen, Delegate Board Member
King County Flood Control District Michelle Clark, Delegate Executive Director
Steven Schauer, Alternate Deputy Executive Director
Mid-Sound Fisheries Enhancement Group Noel Gilbrough, Delegate Vice President, Board of Directors
Tracy Banaszynski, Alternate Co-Executive Director
Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust Tor Bell, Delegate Stewardship Director
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Fisheries Elizabeth Babcock, Delegate North Puget Sound Branch Coordinator
Pilchuck Audubon Society Bill Derry, Delegate President, Board of Directors
Sno-King Watershed Council Eric Adman, Delegate Board President
David Bain, Alternate Board Vice President
Trout Unlimited David Kyle, Delegate Representative
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) Shay Perryman, Delegate Representative
Washington Association of Sewer and Water Districts (WASWD) Vacant, Delegate
Washington Policy Center Hank Myers, Delegate Representative
WA State Department of Ecology

Cleo Neculae,Delegate

WA State Department of Fish & Wildlife Stewart Reinbold, Delegate Southern District Team Supervisor
WA State Department of Natural Resources Emily Haffner, Delegate Aquatic Land Manager, Salmon Bay & North Lake Union
Vivian Roach, Alternate Aquatic Land Manager, City of Seattle Leases & Elliot Bay