WRIA 8 Salmon Recovery Council Documents
Meeting Announcement:
Thursday, July 17, 2014
PM Meeting
Bellevue City Hall, Room 1E-112
450 110th Ave NE, Bellevue
Bellevue City Hall
Parking is FREE, but be sure to take a ticket and have it validated at the Service First desk just inside City Hall.
Packet Contents:
- Agenda
- Notes for the March 20, 2014 Meeting
- Updates & Announcements:
- 2014 Salmon Recovery Funding Board (SRFB) and Puget Sound Acquisition and Restoration (PSAR) Funds - Project Subcommittee Recommendations:
- 2014 SRFB/PSAR Project Subcommittee Report
- Presentation on 2014 SRFB/PSAR Project Proposals, by Jason Wilkinson, WRIA 8 Team (1.29 MB)
- Presention on Building Cities in the Rain Project - Managing Stormwater to Support Watershed Protection and Restoration Priorities, by Heather Ballash, Washington Department of Commerce, Andy Rheaume, City of Redmond, and Erika Harris, Puget Sound Regional Council (1.46 MB)
- Draft 2016-2025 WRIA 8 Interlocal Agreement (ILA):
- Success Story Presentation on the 2015 King Conservation Futures (CFT) Grant Recommendations, by Terry Lavender, Chair, King County CFT Citizen Oversight Committee (3.05 MB)
Meeting Overview:
Major agenda items are: Updates & Announcements; Project Subcommittee Recommended 2014 Salmon Recovery Funding Board and Puget Sound Acquisition and Restoration Grant Funding (decision); Building Cities in the Rain Project Presentation; Review and Discussion of Draft 2016-2025 WRIA 8 Interlocal Agreement; and Success Story Presentation on the 2015 King County Conservation Futures and Parks Levy Citizens Committee Funding Recommendations.
Next Meeting:
Thursday, September 18, 2014, 3:00 p.m. to 5:15 p.m., Bellevue City Hall, #1E-108.
Mailing List:
If you did not receive this packet directly but would like to for future meetings, please contact Jason Mulvihill-Kuntz, at 206-477-4780, or by e-mail at jason.mulvihill-kuntz@kingcounty.gov.