WRIA 8 Salmon Recovery Council Documents

Meeting Announcement:

Thursday, May 16, 2013
3:00-5:15 PM Meeting

Bellevue City Hall, Room 1E-112
450 110th Ave NE, Bellevue

Bellevue City Hall
Parking is FREE, but be sure to take a ticket and have it validated at the Service First desk just inside City Hall.

<making decisions>
Making decisions in a field during emergency evacuation of Bellevue City Hall - May 16, 2013. Photo: Noel Gilbrough

Packet Contents:

  1. Agenda
  2. Notes for the March 21, 2013 Meeting
  3. WRIA 8 Update
  4. 2014 WRIA 8 Budget & Workplan - Management Committee Recommendation:
  5. Role of Science in WRIA 8 Plan Implementation - Part 2:
  6. King County's (KC) In-Lieu Fee Mitigation Program:

Meeting Overview:

Major agenda items are: Updates & Announcements; Management Committee Recommended 2014 WRIA 8 Budget & Workplan (Decision); Presentations on the Role of Science im WRIA 8 Plan Implementation - Part 2; and Presentation on King County's In-Lieu Mitigation Program & Elliott Bridge Reach Restoration Success Story.

Next Meeting:

Thursday, July 18, 2013, 3:00 p.m. to 5:15 p.m., Bellvue City Hall, #1E-108.

Mailing List:

If you did not receive this packet directly but would like to for future meetings, please contact Jason Mulvihill-Kuntz, at 206-296-8067, or by e-mail at jason.mulvihill-kuntz@kingcounty.gov.