WRIA 8 Salmon Recovery Council Documents
Meeting Announcement:
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Redmond Public Library, Conference Room #2
15990 NE 85th
(East of Redmond City Hall on NE 85th Street)
Directions to Redmond Public Library: http://www.kcls.org/redmond/directions.cfm.
Packet Contents:
- Agenda (MS Word Document)
- Notes for the November 19, 2009 Meeting (MS Word Document)
- Committee Updates (MS Word Document)
- Draft Procedures for Reviewing Aquatic Habitat Restoration Projects in Agriculture Production Districts (APDs) (MS Word Document)
- Process for Evaluating Aquatic Habitat Restoration Projects in APDs (MS Word Document)
- Progress Report on Habitat Projects (MS PowerPoint Document)
- Draft Chinook Harvest Management Plan (HMP) Letter (MS Word Document)
- Technical Appendix to HMP Letter (MS Word Document)
- Procedures for Considering Recreational Safety When Placing Large Wood in King County Rivers
- Large Wood Stakeholder Committee Introduction and Summary of Recommendations (MS Word Document)
Meeting Overview:
Major agenda items are: Updates and Announcements, including Committee Updates and New King County Code on Aquatic Habitat Restoration Projects in APDs; Progress Report on Habitat Projects(information); WRIA 8 Comments on Draft Puget Sound Chinook Harvest Management Plan (decision); and King County's Public Rule on Consideration of Recreational Safety in Placement of Large Wood (information/decision).
Next Meeting:
Thursday, March 18, 2010, 3:00 to 5:30 p.m., Community Center at Mercer View (Mercer Island).
Mailing List:
If you did not receive this packet directly but would like to for future meetings, please contact Jean White, at 206-263-6458, or by e-mail at jean.white@kingcounty.gov.