WRIA 8 Salmon Recovery Council Documents
Meeting Announcement:
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Kirkland City Hall, Peter Kirk Room
123 Fifth Avenue, Kirkland
Packet Contents:
- Agenda (MS Word Document)
- Meeting Notes from the March 15, 2007 Meeting (MS Word Document)
- Final Operating Guidelines for WRIA 8 Salmon Recovery Council (MS Word Document)
- 2008 Draft Budget (MS Word Document)
- ILA Cost Shares Allocation Final 2008 (MS Excel Document)
- Draft Work Plan 2008 (MS Word Document)
- WRIA 8 Memorandum of Understanding 2008 (MS Word Document)
- 2008 Staff Job Duties (MS Word Document)
- 3-Year List Revisions Summary (MS Word Document)
- Grants Available for WRIA 8 (MS Word Document)
Meeting Overview:
Key meeting decisions are the 2008 WRIA 8 Budget and Work Plan (the proposed 2008 Work Plan is essentially the same as the 2007 Work Program), and the Memorandum of Understanding between King County and the Salmon Recovery Council. The proposal iss to have the MOU be for the duration of the Interlocal Agreement (through 2015).
There will also be reports on: funding; the recent Steelhead listing; EDT Modeling results from the Technical Committee; proposals for Fall Events from the Implementation Committee; the upcoming Communications Committee meeting; and Kokanee conservation efforts.
Next Meeting:
Thursday, June 21 or Thursday, July 19 (depending on if June meeting is needed to finalize the 2008 WRIA 8 Budget).
Mailing List:
If you did not receive this packet directly but would like to for future meetings, please contact Jean White, at 206-263-6458, or by e-mail at jean.white@kingcounty.gov.