About govlink

Govlink, also known as www.govlink.org, is a multijurisdictional website that supports collaboration between jurisdictions on a variety of regional services and programs.

Here you'll find information about large scale environmental programs sponsored by King County and other area governmental agencies.

Government agencies and organizations recognize the importance of working together to share information with the public. We hope you will find Govlink a valuable regional source of information that keeps you in touch with what's happening.

Govlink is hosted on Amazon Web Services to ensure fast response, low cost and to support clean computing.

King County also hosts cross-jurisdictional work areas in its SharePoint extranet, also to support collaboration between jurisdictions keen to work together on regional issues.

If you have questions about Govlink or SharePoint extranet, please e-mail them to WebTeam@kingcounty.gov. You should receive a response within one business day.

Updated: June 27, 2016